
Harpreet has successfully advocated on behalf of human rights, public safety and social change for more than 30 years. Now he’s bringing his unique set of skills, perspective, experience and integrity, and his successful record of improving the quality of life for all who live and work in New York.

Harpreet’s proven record of success has benefited so many communities.  His 12-year fight to achieve the passage and signing of the 2018 Religious Garb bill in Albany put an end to decades of work place discrimination against workers of all religions.  No longer does an employee need to fear for their job security for wearing whatever head covering, or garment, their religion may require. Whether it is the wearing of a yarmulka, a hijab, a turban, or any other religious garb, it is now illegal in New York State for an employer to discriminate against an employee.  Thanks to Harpreet’s persistence, and his ability to work with elected officials from both sides of the aisle.     

Harpreet is committed to promoting our community values:


Restoring the LI Dream

I know all too well that the needs of Long Islanders and the American Dream are interchangable: a livable wage, affordable housing, equal access to education, and more importantly—opportunity. Unfortunately, we’re seeing the American Dream slip away from us. Between rampant corruption in Albany, a federal government that is unresponsive to our needs, and the skyrocketing cost of living, Long Islanders are struggling now more than ever. As your Assemblyman, I will fight for Long Island by creating and advocating for policies that work for all of us. We must have the resources we need to build infrastructure, and we need to make sure our neighbors can continue living here with affordable housing and a livable wage.


We need an Assemblymember on our side actively working to uphold labor rights and fight threats to the dignity and safety of our workers. I strongly support raising the minimum wage, opportunities to unionize in the public and private sectors, as well as workplace protections from harsh conditions and discrimination.



The Long Island Rail Road is rapidly decaying and causing constant delays and cancellations which are negatively impacting the commute for thousands of middle-class Long Islanders who rely on public transportation daily. In Albany, I will hold the LIRR and MTA accountable and work with them to provide proper funding for repair projects that are much needed.


Long Island pays some of the highest property taxes in the Country and the new cap on State and Local Tax (SALT) deductions will affect more than 300,000 Long Island families. The unnecessary burden on New York and Long Island created by the Federal government’s tax plan is forcing young folk and seniors who have lived on Long Island for their whole lives to relocate to a more affordable area. As your Assemblymember, I’ll fight for the hard working people of Long Island by pushing for tax relief and state intervention to protect Long Island from burdensome taxes that limit growth and opportunity.



Education is a lifelong investment in our youth, and we need to make sure we’re investing in the youth of Long Island, period. Every student, no matter their background, should have equal access to a quality education. We must invest in our public schools, which are so drastically underfunded— we cannot and should not redirect funds to charter schools. Students and teachers deserve better from Albany, and once elected, I will work to give our children the education they need and deserve by listening to the concerns and needs of students and teachers within the public school system.


Environment / Bethpage plum

As a coastal region, Long Island is susceptible to damage from global warming and rising sea levels. I hope to bring new initiatives that work to reduce pollution, littering, and water contamination. We have to bring clean and renewable energy jobs to Long Island. The aquifers that provide our drinking water must be protected at all costs. As your Assemblyman, I will block any law that compromises the environmental safety of Long Islanders, including the proposal to reopen certain water wells in Queens. Our district covers the Bethpage Plume which is contaminating our soil and water without much responsibility from Grumman, the Navy, and the Federal Government. They must be held accountable and provide the proper funding to prevent the growth of the plume and clean up the contamination.


The culture of corruption in New York politics especially on Long Island is hurting families and a disgrace to our Democracy. The recent indictments of GOP politicians in Nassau County, many of whom my opponent is closely aligned with, demonstrates the need for accountability in Albany that does not currently exist. We need real ethics reform that will punish corrupt politicians for advancing their personal and big-money donor interests that help the few and harm New Yorkers. As your Assembly member, I will support legislative initiatives that make it harder for politicians to abuse their power. I’ll also work to close the LLC loophole, ban the use of campaign funds for personal use, and push for greater oversight on spending.

Gun Violence

Gun violence has plagued communities throughout the Nation for far too long—and it appears to be getting worse. As of June, there have already been over 150 mass shootings in the United States in 2018. New York already has comparatively strict laws regulating firearms, there are other common-sense solutions that could be added to ease this crisis and protect New Yorkers.